Brigitta Tummon

Raus Yoga er glad for å kunne tilby yogaklasser med Brigitta, en svært erfaren yogalærer i yogametoden Iyengar Yoga. Brigitta, opprinnelig fra Nederland, har undervist i yoga mer enn 40 år og drevet eget yogastudio i Cape Town (Sør-Afrika) siden 1990. Hun flyttet til Norge og Bærum i 2019. Brigitta underviser på engelsk, men forstår og snakker også en del norsk.

Brigitta is a Senior Iyengar teacher and gives classes from the beginner’s level through to training other teachers. She moved to Oslo in 2019 from Cape Town where she ran her own yoga studio and was deeply involved with the South African Iyengar Yoga Institute.

From the very beginning Brigitta has been an Iyengar Yoga student, with practice an important part of her life. She met BKS Iyengar the first time in 1976 and has been inspired by his teaching ever since. Both as a student of yoga, as well as a teacher, she is forever learning.

Brigitta has been teaching yoga more than 40 years and is still passionate to walk with her students and others on this path and share the beauty of yoga. She has her own home page

Hos oss har Brigitta to ukentlige klasser: Iyengar (klassisk) yoga på tirsdager kl 0830-0945 og Iyengar (klassisk) yoga onsdager kl 1715-1845.